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How to Measure and Increase Learning ROI for Your Association

  • 6 Min Read

Tracking the ROI of learning is critical for helping your association identify the programs most likely to attract new members, keep them engaged and retain them over time.


Professional learning can be an important revenue driver for your association. Whether you offer it as a perk of membership or sell it as a standalone, when members have access to skill-building opportunities that advance their careers, it creates stickiness. They’re more likely to stay engaged with your association and tell colleagues about the programs you offer, encouraging them to get involved and experience the benefits for themselves.

But the ROI of learning can be hard to track. Without insight into engagement, it can be difficult to pinpoint the courses that are providing the most value—to your association and its members alike. You need actionable data to identify the programs most likely to attract new members, keep them engaged and retain them over time. 

The Case for Association-Led Learning Programs

Providing certification programs and continuing education is critical to maintaining and increasing membership. Yet a survey of over 1,000 members showed that many feel their associations don’t place enough emphasis on training opportunities. While members ranked certifications as the third most important benefit, associations put it in sixth spot.

Conferences and in-person networking events still have significant value. Members enjoy them, and they help your association build its presence and credibility. Yet increasingly, they’re only part of the picture. Many members also want flexible, online options that let them fit continuing education around their personal and professional lives.

The uncomfortable reality is that if members don’t see the value of an association, they won’t join or stay.

How One Association Is Streamlining Certification Paths

Toby Cummings, executive director at the International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA), understands the value of offering credential-based education. IMSA’s training catalog includes more than 20 certification programs and has provided training to thousands of public safety professionals across North America and beyond. But because smaller, volunteer-led sections could only run a handful of events and cover a subset of IMSA’s programs each year, people who wanted to take a certification on a specific topic often found themselves traveling out of state to do it.

“In many public agencies, your job classification and pay are based on your certification,” he says. “So, if you were due to move up and you can’t get the certification in time, you’re delaying your career progression.”

To streamline its certification process, IMSA turned to D2L Brightspace. Brightspace simplifies certifications through personalized learning paths aligned with specific outcomes. As members progress, they can track their achievements through the Brightspace platform. Community tools like learning groups provide opportunities to interact with other members on similar training paths. Seeing how far they’ve come and participating in friendly competition with peers encourage members to stay engaged and keep learning.

For IMSA, these tools made it possible to train large groups of members simultaneously and reduce the six-week certification process to just a few days.

Deliver Professional Learning Faster to Increase Membership Value

The faster your members can access professional training, the sooner they can see value from their involvement in your association. Brightspace helps automate course creation with simple workflows and customizable templates to minimize the time between design and delivery.

The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) used these tools to pivot from in-person learning to digital on a tight timeline during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Launching the [digital education] platform in two weeks was something that neither our members nor the leadership within CHIME thought was possible,” says Dr. Tim Stettheimer, VP of education. “And we couldn’t have done it without our team and D2L. It was an amazing effort, and one that succeeded far beyond what we expected.”

Maximize Revenue With D2L Course Publisher and Course Merchant

D2L’s solutions for associations combine an easy-to-use platform with in-depth analytics designed to help you adapt learning programs to your association’s goals and offer your members the most valuable courses and credentials.

Providing fast access to professional education, certifications and credentials as a benefit of joining your association can attract new members and drive more revenue from dues. But what about non-dues revenue?

As member expectations change, associations are having to adjust their business models to rely less heavily on membership dues. Non-dues revenues now account for the bulk of association revenue—55% for trade associations and 75% for professional associations. Finding ways to grow sources of non-dues revenues is key to staying relevant and competitive.

Course Merchant can help you monetize courses by making them available through a customizable storefront. You can offer discounted prices for members or open up courses to non-members—making it easy to distribute and sell courses within your association and beyond.

Multichannel marketing tools help your association get its education programs in front of interested learners who can enroll through a simple self-service sign-up process.

As more people see the value these programs bring to their professional lives, your association has the potential to develop its reputation as a trusted representative and steward of the industry. This can, in turn, attract more members and grow profitable revenue streams.

Make Data-Driven Decisions to Increase Learning ROI

Delivering high-quality, relevant content that meets members’ professional needs is key to maintaining a reputation that attracts new members and encourages them to renew year after year, but many associations simply don’t know where to start. What questions do you need to ask? Where can you automate core workflows? How can you maximize the impact of your association’s educational program and ensure every learner benefits from their experience?

Data from D2L Performance+ helps you identify your most profitable and engaging courses and programs. Analytics dashboards and visualizations reveal which courses members sign up for, progress through and complete. Working with an experienced learning analytics consultant can help you make sure you’re maximizing the value of your data with a strategy tailored to your needs and provide hands-on support to dig into the impact. With these insights into real indicators of ROI, you and your team can make informed decisions about where to focus the association’s educational efforts.

Analyzing your learning program can uncover opportunities to extend members’ learning paths and encourage membership renewals. Options like stacking courses to earn micro-credentials or combining micro-credentials into full credentials can increase engagement and satisfaction by helping members fill gaps in their professional knowledge.

Get Professional Support to Develop Engaging Educational Content

When the Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) wanted to launch a specialized designation program that would help members stay ahead in a rapidly changing field, D2L was there to help.

“[D2L] played a key role in helping us make our course content as engaging as possible,” says Stephen Ghigliotty, associate vice president of curriculum development. “Plus, D2L’s instructional designers helped us develop a style guide to present the whole course in a consistent, clear and informative manner.”

Strategic consulting from D2L can help you follow CMA’s path and create a learning program that aligns with your association’s goals. Brightspace experts are on hand to set up and optimize the platform. D2L’s team can also work with you to create a customized analytics strategy with dashboards and reports that show the exact data you need to make decisions that support members’ success.

Maximize Member Engagement and Grow Your Organization by Partnering With D2L

With D2L’s solutions in place, you have the tools you need to deliver high-value, personalized learning to every member of your association.

  • Brightspace provides a central platform for course delivery that keeps members engaged and focused on completing their learning paths.
  • Course Publisher and Course Merchant simplify course creation and delivery so you can quickly design and distribute educational content.
  • Analytics dashboards make it possible to track learning ROI and identify opportunities to increase memberships and non-dues revenue.
  • D2L’s experts are on hand to help you plan, create and maintain great learning experiences that will set your association apart.

Members who take part in courses are more often likely to renew their memberships and stay engaged with the work your association does. And that’s the most worthwhile ROI of learning: stability in membership and revenue that enables you to make an impact for your members, industry and community now and into the future.

Interested in learning how D2L can help maximize learning ROI and member retention for your organization? Request a demo today.

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Table of Contents

  1. Deliver Professional Learning Faster
  2. Maximize Revenue
  3. Make Data-Driven Decisions
  4. Get Professional Support to Develop Engaging Educational Content
  5. Maximize Member Engagement and Grow Your Organization by Partnering With D2L