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Learning Matters

Trends, tips and practical takeaways—the D2L blog can help take teaching and learning to the next level.

  • 17 Min Read

The Complete Guide to Competency-Based Education

CBE is helping schools, institutions and organizations deliver learning experiences that translate to practical, provable outcomes and true skill mastery.

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How to Personalize K-12 Teacher Professional Learning (Part 2): Modernizing Systems to Support Personalized Pathways 

Traditionally, PD has been centered around district initiatives and enabled through single-point workshops. Modernized professional learning, however, requires an ongoing, personalized and hybrid approach. Here’s how to create teacher-centered PD systems that work.

How to Personalize K-12 Teacher Professional Learning (Part 1): Aligning Culture and Communications 

Superintendents and administrators routinely identify personalized PD as a helpful way to reduce teacher burnout and improve retention. So, how can school systems enable professional learning that is more valued by teachers?

New Research Helps Redefine Teacher Burnout Challenges and Solutions

A survey of more than 1,000 K-12 school administrators identifies classroom reinvention, improved teacher support and technology as possible solutions to the burnout crisis.

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How to Help Your Peers Choose a Learning Management System

Provide feedback on D2L Brightspace and help take the pain out of purchasing decisions.

The Complete Guide to Competency-Based Education

CBE is helping schools, institutions and organizations deliver learning experiences that translate to practical, provable outcomes and true skill mastery.

How Brightspace Makes Teaching More Flexible

Learn how teachers can use release conditions, the Portfolio tool and the New Quiz Creation Experience to maximize flexibility in their class.

Ready to Transform the Way the World Learns?

Whether you want to chat about Brightspace or Wave, we’re ready to help.