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D2L Ignite, Grand Hyatt Melbourne, November 2022

Keynote delivered by Jan Owen AM

Reimagining Education from the Learner First

Jan looks at the fundamental changes in educational learning, why they are so important, and what some of the drivers for these changes are.

  • Putting the learner first
  • A shift from the ‘bloodless’ paradigm to the ‘human’ paradigm
  • Wellbeing is at the centre of a learner’s life

Watch Now

  • Date

    Nov 23, 2022

    10:00 am–10:21 am
  • Duration

    21 Minutes

  • Location
    Virtual On-Demand

Jan looks at the fundamental changes in educational learning, why they are so important, and what some of the drivers for these changes are.

  • Putting the learner first
  • A shift from the ‘bloodless’ paradigm to the ‘human’ paradigm
  • Wellbeing is at the centre of a learner’s life