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Real Estate Institute of NSW

Elevating Real Estate Training: REINSW’s Brightspace Journey

Since the adoption of Brightspace in February 2023, the REINSW has witnessed a transformative impact on its training programs. The visual reporting features of Brightspace enable the REINSW’s support staff to engage more effectively with learners, providing targeted where needed.


Real Estate Institute of NSW


3,500-5,000 annually

  • Manager Dashboard
  • Quizzes
  • Zoom integration
  • Video Assessments

The Real Estate Institute of New South Wales REINSW is the peak industry body for real estate agents and property professionals in the state of New South Wales (NSW). The largest and most influential association of its kind in NSW, the REINSW represents thousands of agents across the state. With a track record and reputation for delivering valued products and services, the REINSW promotes and responds to the changing needs of members and boasts over 100 years of experience.


  • Aaron Barber, training manager, REINSW



  • Improved learner satisfaction and enrollment at the Institute
  • Brightspace offers flexibility for contextualised learning, interactive tools, and adaptable content delivery.
  • Features such as documentation, forms, and video assessments were swiftly implemented within 12 weeks.
  • Visual reporting features enable support staff to engage effectively with learners, providing targeted assistance.
  • Customisation options, including forums, discussion boards, and Zoom links, have improved convenience for learners. 


Ensuring Quality Training and Compliance in the NSW Real Estate Sector

As the leading representative organisation for real estate agents and professionals in the property sector in NSW, the REINSW has a diverse cohort of people requiring accreditation and training. From people seeking entry-level positions in the industry to real estate agents looking to become a licensee in charge (or principal) so they can run their own or manage a real estate agency, all members need to have the right training to be compliant with NSW regulations and industry requirements.

The REINSW also conducts continued professional development (CPD) training to help agents maintain their annual licence requirements and manages training for residential, commercial, strata, buyer’s agents, auctioneers and stocking station agents.

The REINSW is committed to ensuring learners receive quality training that allows them to understand the career they are entering as a real estate agent. As an industry body, it needs to be able to ensure members have reached and are following real estate industry standards. Aaron Barber, REINSW’s training manager, says there are severe penalties in place for any real estate agents who don’t comply.
“It’s important that people who are considering becoming a real estate agent look for a provider like REINSW that is renowned for quality outcomes and has quality interactive platforms that allow agents to have an enriched learning experience. If the right compliant training is not received, it’s not just the real estate agents who are affected but also consumers. There are contracts that could be rescinded, or fees, deposits and commissions lost. So, it’s not just the agent who’s affected; it has a broader effect on the industry’s reputation.”

Over the past decade, the REINSW faced several challenges in delivering quality training to a diverse cohort within the highly regulated real estate industry. The existing learning management system (LMS) it used was implemented more than a decade ago and became outdated, offering limited functionality and causing dissatisfaction among learners. The lack of interaction, poor reporting and inability to contextualise learning for individual learners were hindering the REINSW’s ability to provide effective training.

“The LMS we had before wasn’t really a learning management system; it was basically a depository that housed the course. It was doing quite a lot of damage for us as a learning training provider. We couldn’t do certain things with our training material, and it was causing a lot of angst among students because they just couldn’t get what they needed out of it, all of which negatively affected our brand,” said Barber.


Enriched Learner Experience and Adaptable Content Delivery

Recognising the need for a modern and comprehensive solution, the REINSW embarked on a journey to evaluate various LMS options. The goal was not only to find a platform that could meet REINSW’s internal requirements but also integrate seamlessly with the existing customer relationship management system (CRM ) and student management systems. After a six-month consultation with LMS providers and stakeholders, D2L Brightspace emerged as the top choice, offering the flexibility to enrich the learner experience through contextualised learning, interactive tools and adaptable content delivery.

The implementation of Brightspace was swift, taking only 12 weeks, and included features such as documentation, forms and video assessments. The platform’s adaptability allows learners to engage with the material in multiple ways, addressing language, literacy and numeracy standards. The single sign-on capability further enhances the learner experience, streamlining the entire process and ensuring a more seamless journey.

After re-vamping our model of delivery and introducing Brightspace, we’ve not only seen a 100% increase in the number of people who are using us as a training provider, but also a 100% improvement in learner satisfaction.

Aaron Barber, traning manager REINSW 


A Transformative Experience

Since the adoption of Brightspace in February 2023, the REINSW has witnessed a transformative impact on its training programs.

“After revamping our model of delivery and introducing Brightspace, we’ve not only seen a 100% increase in the number of people who are using us as a training provider but also a 100% improvement in learner satisfaction. The positive feedback we receive from our learners in relation to the engagement they have with the platform is very high,” said Barber.

The system’s adaptability and customisation options have allowed the institute to build interactive tools into its courses, ensuring a high-quality learning experience for all real estate agents, regardless of their current qualifications or where they are in their real estate careers.

The ability to watch learner progression and identify areas of difficulty has been a game changer. The visual reporting features of Brightspace enable the REINSW’s support staff to engage more effectively with learners, providing targeted where needed.

“I have seen an increase in completion rates within our qualifications, and there are two reasons for that. The system is a lot easier for our learners to use and interact with. Also, with the reporting and the visual aspects of Brightspace, we can see learner progression and where they’re struggling. This then allows my learner support officers to engage a lot more with learners when they contact them,” Barber added.

The platform’s adaptability is further highlighted by the REINSW’s ability to customise widgets and includes forums, discussion boards and Zoom links. Learners now have the convenience of enrolling in Zoom night classes without the need for extensive communication with staff, streamlining the learning process and reducing frustration.

“In my experience, the D2L team is very open. They’re very friendly and their willingness to help is always there. There’s always someone there who can provide that support, regardless of what you’re looking for,” Barber concluded.

Overall, the REINSW’s switch to Brightspace has resulted in enhanced learner satisfaction, increased course completion rates and improved engagement scores for association members. The adaptability of the platform and its seamless integration into existing systems have positioned the institute for continued success in providing high-quality training for the real estate industry in NSW.

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