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Enhancing Accessibility in Education by Using Technological Tools

Creating inclusive and accessible learning environments is crucial for ensuring student engagement and success. Modern learning technologies can be effective in helping institutions democratise access to education, but they alone are not sufficient. Educators need to be properly enabled to use the tools available to them, and institutions need to understand and appreciate the deep importance of accessibility in education.


A Times Higher Education webinar, held in partnership with D2L, discussed strategies to help advance conversations around educational equity and build accessible learning experiences. The panel included:

  • Sam Chandrashekar, global accessibility lead, D2L
  • Jo Elliott, reader in learning design, Digital Education Studio, Queen Mary University of London
  • Emma O’Neill, associate professor in small animal medicine, University College Dublin
  • Rob Telfer, director of higher education for EMEA, D2L

Increasing awareness about the importance of accessibility in education

“The awareness around mobility and sensory impairments, mental health issues, specific learning differences (SpLD), as well as medical conditions which may have an impact on day-to-day activities has arguably never been greater,” Telfer says. Still, there is much work to be done. “Technology, infrastructure, systems design, policy and of course committed accessibility champions all clearly have a significant role to play in ensuring that we do not unfairly disadvantage any of our learners,” he continued.

O’Neill echoed Telfer’s sentiments, saying, “Accessibility means striving to create a learning environment where every student is supported and enabled to thrive and achieve their full potential.”

Understanding what accessible education might look like

“Understanding that every learner is unique and has different needs is vital to accessibility in education,” said Chandrashekar. “We must focus on enabling equity, which is about giving each learner what they need to set them up for success rather than giving everyone the same thing in the name of equality.”

“Accessibility, especially in the context of learning technology, is about providing choices to help learners consume content in multiple formats, engage in learning in multiple ways and demonstrate their knowledge and skills in multiple forms,” Chandrasekhar continued.

Elliott built on Chandrasekhar’s comments. She observed that because finding the time to explore more novel solutions can be a challenge for educators, it is important to empower them to go beyond known tools, such as transcripts and captions. She added that it is about creating space for students to “bring their whole selves” to the learning experience.

Exploring pathways to making education more accessible

Chandrashekar emphasised the importance of viewing accessibility as a leadership imperative, with leaders assuming the responsibility for creating and supporting policies, plans and governance frameworks that improve accessibility in their institutions. However, everyone in an education ecosystem needs to take responsibility for practising accessibility, the panel agreed.

O’Neill shared an example of the digital badge in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) programme run jointly by UCD and AHEAD in Ireland. The programme introduces staff working in higher or further education to the CAST UDL framework and encourages educators to reflect on how the UDL can be used to support diverse learners. The Plus-One approach prompts them to identify and adopt one achievable redesign goal in their immediate setting that would enhance accessibility. Over 4,000 educators have now completed this badge nationally.

Communication, co-creation and collaboration are effective strategies for improving accessibility, the panellists said. Elliott shared an example of an impactful initiative launched by Deakin University in Australia, where learners with lived experience of disability acted as mentors for staff members, sharing their experiences of accessibility along with recommendations for positive change.

Incorporating students in the learning design process, proactively seeking feedback on what they need at all stages, and offering choice helps universities create more accessible and inclusive learning experiences, Elliott added.

Removing barriers to education

D2L’s approach to removing barriers for educators and learners with disabilities is human-centred. We follow the IDEA framework for inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility and practice inclusive design in building products and services. “We involve people with disabilities at every stage of the product development cycle,” said Chandrashekar. “Our belief is that technology is a bridge connecting the humans involved in teaching and learning.”

For more information, you can view the on-demand recording of the webinar here.

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Table of Contents

  1. Increasing awareness about the importance of accessibility in education
  2. Understanding what accessible education might look like
  3. Exploring pathways to making education more accessible
  4. Removing barriers to education