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How will you drive growth for your association?

Association Executive Symposium

D2L hosted an exclusive association symposium on Nov. 29 in Washington, D.C. Watch on-demand recordings and hear from association executives and learning leaders about creating compelling member experiences and making education a key driver of business growth.

What are associations doing to address upskilling needs, offer compelling professional development and prioritize learning as part of a growth strategy? Watch the recordings learn how modern learning can be your association’s competitive advantage.

D2L is a CAE Approved Provider. The program(s) linked above meet the requirements for fulfilling the professional development requirements to earn or maintain the Certified Association Executive credential. Every program that we offer which qualifies for CAE credit will clearly identify the number of CAE credits granted for full participation, and we will maintain records of your participation in accord with CAE policies. For more information about the CAE credential or Approved Provider program, please visit

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  • Date

    Nov 29, 2022

    9:00 am–5:00 pm
  • Duration

    1 Day

  • Location
    Virtual On-Demand

Why Attend?

You’ll learn how to

  • Design educational programs that drive professional development, membership and revenue growth
  • Monetize and demonstrate the ROI of your learning programs by using the right experience model
  • Use authentic assessments to measure competencies in learning, tackle the skills gap and increase engagement for the future of work
  • Leverage three key elements of a successful digital transformation: data and analytics, change management strategy, and accessibility

Participating Organizations:

Artisan E-Learning LGOG


Future of Work, Skills and Technology20 minsWhich emerging technologies will have the biggest impact on the workforce, and how can your association prepare for the future of work? In this session, you’ll hear how associations, organizations and governments around the world are assessing and predicting the impact of emerging technologies on an economic, geographic and individual level. Using real-world examples from around the globe, Ken Chapman, VP of learning innovation advocacy at D2L, will share how you can prepare to reskill your learners by identifying those at risk and defining personal learning paths.


Ken Chapman
VP of learning innovation advocacy, D2L

Associations and Learning as a Competitive Advantage40 minsDigital learning continues to be top of mind for associations of all sizes and across all industries. According to a recent Training Industry report, 76% of members see more value in virtual learning than they do in live, instructor-led training. In this special guest keynote with Debra Zabloudil, VP of learning at ASAE, we’ll explore how you can set a solid foundation at your association for your learning programs and deliver more value to your members. 


Debra Zabloudil
FACHE, VP of learning, ASAE

Amy Morrisey
President, Artisan E-Learning

Authentic Assessments 40 minsOffering learning that moves the needle on a member’s performance in the workforce is a key mandate for associations. Unfortunately, organizations are often unable to demonstrate that their learners are competent based on the nature of the traditional assessment strategy, which usually consists of multiple-choice and true/false low-level, rote memorization questions. At D2L, we’re evolving clients’ understanding of the value of creating authentic assessments that test and demonstrate real-world, applicable knowledge that learners can be confident will help them in their career paths and that associations can be confident will demonstrate their commitment to supporting members’ career success. This presentation will show you how your association can incorporate authentic assessment strategies into your courses using socially driven case studies, video demonstrations and scenario-based learning to improve outcomes.


Ruth Cuthbert
Learning Experience Consultant, D2L

How to Use Your Learning to Drive Revenue and Engagement40 minsToo often, associations rely solely on instinct or anecdotal evidence when making decisions about which courses to offer members. How do you know which courses you should focus your efforts on creating? How do you prove now’s the time to sunset that 20-year-old course? How do you know if it’s worth investing in a new offering? During this session, you’ll learn how to use the data you already have to understand the true value of your course offerings so you can make strategic decisions on where to invest, when to expand and what’s no longer worth it (to your members or your association).


Mark Lowry
President and CRO, Association Analytics

Greg Pollack
Vice President of Sales, Association Analytics

Digital Transformation at Modern Associations40 minsJoin our panel of association executives as they share best practices from their digital transformation journeys, the organizational outcomes they saw and innovative ways to leverage technology to solve unique challenges.


Rebecca Achurch
PgMP, PMP, CSM, CAE, chief executive officer, Achurch Consulting, LLC

Jennifer Shepherd
DNP, MHA, RN, NEA-BC, NPD-BC, CHPN, CCRN-K, director, nursing education and product management, American Nurses Association

Dr. Jenelle Hodges
Director of Digital Learning, The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME)

Amy Clark
Manager of digital development, (ISC)², Inc.

Stephen Ghigliotty
CM, VP of learning, Halmyre

Does Your Learning Have Less Impact Than a Shampoo Bottle?40 minsWhat can shampoo, video game controllers and that box of old clothes in the garage teach us about increasing our reach and impact? Amy Morrisey from Artisan E-Learning will share case studies from Procter & Gamble, Goodwill and Microsoft. These companies lead their industries in innovative designs that push the envelope on equity and inclusion. Are our learning and development projects keeping up? Or falling behind?


Amy Morrisey
President, Artisan E-Learning

Hotels & Accommodations

Renaissance Washington- DC Downtown Hotel, 999 9th St. NW, Washington, DC 20001, United States


  • Headshot image of speaker Ken Chapman

    Ken is responsible for D2L’s advisory board program, which involves working with top executives, administrators and educational leaders across the company’s customer base. He is also responsible for analyst and thought leader relations, acting as an advisor to D2L’s senior executives and product leadership group on behalf of the institutions D2L serves.

    Deeply passionate about the connection between technology and learning, Kenneth strives to identify how the changing edtech landscape can help educators transform student outcomes. He joined the original D2L team back in 2003 and has since played a major role in shaping customer support, product management, product design and market strategy.

  • Debra Zabloudil

    Debra Zabloudil serves as the vice president of learning for the American Society of Association Executives. She has been in the position since January 2022. In this role, Debra oversees all of the learning products of ASAE, encompassing 20+ in-person events a year and many digital products. Debra is considered an industry leader in speaking, training, facilitating and “all things adult education.” Prior to coming to ASAE, Debra founded and ran the Learning Studio (TLS) after realizing there was a need in the market for high-quality adult education expertise coupled with the business-mindedness needed to help an education enterprise flourish. She ran TLS for 17 years before leaving to move to ASAE, an organization of which she had been a member for more than two decades and served in a number of volunteer positions. Debra received her bachelor’s degree in speech communications/public relations from Southern Illinois University and her master’s degree in management of public service from DePaul University. She has earned her Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation and is a fellow in health care management, earning the FACHE. Debra is a best-in-class PCMA speaker and was selected for Google’s Search Inside Yourself program in 2016, focusing on mindfulness and emotional intelligence.

  • Amy Morrisey

    Amy Morrisey, president of Artisan E-Learning, is a learning and development junkie. She loves being a helper. Before working with Artisan, Amy spent 17 years in corporate training and development as a classroom trainer and executive coach, teaching everything from writing skills to advocacy. She also coached international teams to deliver persuasive business case presentations. During her tenure with Artisan, Amy has helped Artisan define its culture, drive business goals with real data and realize operational efficiencies to more than double production capacity. While the day-to-day operation of the company takes most of her time, her passion for giving learners solid training with actionable results means that she’s often up to her elbows in a project or speaking at a conference.

  • Ruth Cuthbert

    Ruth Cuthbert is a Learning Experience Consultant at D2L on the Learning Services team. She combines strategic thinking with course design and has a focus on experience-based teaching practices as she scope out customized, engaging education solutions in Brightspace.

    Experiences and Qualifications

    With over 10 years of experience in training, facilitation and instructional design, Ruth consults and delivers high quality learning solutions for the K12, Corporate and Higher Education space. Previously, she oversaw the onboarding and launch of over 500 international franchisees. This included online, asynchronous, blended and in person learning opportunities on topics such as sales, marketing, human resources and business operations.

    Ruth’s Qualifications include:

    • – B.Ed. Brock University
    • – Honours B.A. Brock University
    • – Certified Franchise Executive

  • Greg Pollack

    Greg is a seasoned professional, having worked both for and with associations for more than 15 years. He started his career working for a not-for-profit, learning all about membership, recruiting and training volunteers; running fundraising campaigns; and the overall structure of the industry. From there, he moved to an association selling exhibit space, magazine advertisements and sponsorships. Wanting to use his technical skills, Greg moved to a technology provider, working first as an implementation project manager supporting associations, then as a lead product manager prior to moving into direct sales and ultimately sales management. Greg moved on to the next challenge of working for a small (at the time) start-up company, Higher Logic, where he again started as an individual contributor, but quickly moved into sales management and ultimately went on to build out the sales enablement and sales engineering teams. As VP of sales at Association Analytics, Greg leads the sales team and helps spread the company’s values and offerings to the association community. He regularly attends and speaks at industry conferences, including ASAE, Association Forum and technology partner user groups. He’s also one of the regular contributors to the Association Analytics biweekly webinar series and blog. In his personal time, Greg loves cars and racing them. You can often find him under a Miata working on the suspension or in the driver’s seat competing for the win.

  • Mark Lowry

    Mark has dedicated his entire professional career to building relationships with clients and partners based on trust, great solutions and a shared mission to advance the association market. Mark is an expert at growing up-and-coming companies into name brands by committing to industry thought leadership, building company culture and developing client-focused sales organizations. Mark was recently named 2022 Association Partner of the Year – Salute to Association Excellence.
    As president and CRO for Association Analytics, Mark oversees sales, marketing, partnerships, operations and contracts.

  • Rebecca Achurch

    Leading innovation through change has been the hallmark of Rebecca Achurch’s more than 20-year career. Achurch has been at the cross-section of technological advancement and the remote work revolution, both of which led her to found Achurch Consulting, a company that assists organizations in both technology implementation and the transition to hybrid or full-time remote offices.

    As the world increasingly adopts new tech and virtual environments, Achurch has been uniquely positioned through her decades of remote work and new technology adoption to see her clients through change by leaning into innovation. You can frequently hear her say, “It’s time to change the way we manage, change the way we work.” Her success as a remote professional has given her the expertise to develop and implement best practices as well as help clients recruit and retain talent through cutting-edge policy.

    Achurch regularly shares subject matter expertise to help advance the careers of other entrepreneurs. As cofounder of the Association Women Technology Champions, Achurch’s goal is to empower members through education and connection by providing knowledge and support that advance women in technology. She is also leading from the front as a Strength Finders coach by identifying and focusing on existing team strengths. Achurch works with leaders and team managers on collaborative work strategies needed to excel in the performance-based culture required of remote workforce teams.

    A sought-after thought leader, Achurch can be found delivering a keynote address on topics including team building, digital transformation and project management. She has also been featured as a source in The Boston Globe, Association Now, and other top-tier and industry publications.

    Achurch lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, with her husband, James, and their son, William. When she’s not focusing on her clients, she can be found hiking in the mountains and brainstorming her next innovative idea.

  • Jennifer Sheperd

    Dr. Jennifer Shepherd is a registered nurse leader with an extensive and progressive background across diverse settings, including community-based and acute care health systems as well as not-for-profit and for-profit health care organizations. Shepherd has served as a member of clinical leadership in roles dedicated to professional development and analytics, leading teams to cultivate and implement innovative strategies and ensuring the achievement of organizational goals. She currently serves as director, Nursing Education & Product Management for the American Nurses Association. She previously served in clinical education roles for MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, Capital Caring Health, Community Health Accreditation Partner,, HealthStream and CEBroker/EverCheck.

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, Shepherd went back to the bedside as a staff nurse, providing support and delivering high-level acute care to hospice patients and families in the inpatient setting. Her experience in academia includes a role as adjunct faculty for George Mason University in the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences, where she teaches pediatrics and maternal child health.

    Shepherd is certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center in nursing professional development and as a nurse executive, advanced, in hospice and palliative care by the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, and in pediatric critical care by the American Association of Critical Care Nursing. She previously served on the Virginia Nurses Association Board as commissioner of workforce issues and currently holds a position on Capella’s School of Nursing and Health Sciences Advisory Board. Shepherd holds a Bachelor of Science in nursing, a Master of Science in nursing, a master’s in healthcare administration, and a Doctor of Nursing Practice. Her doctoral dissertation, COVID-19 and Hospice Care: Self-Care and the Effect on Compassion Fatigue and Patient Outcomes, focused on the link and challenges between compassion fatigue, self-care and quality outcomes among hospice clinicians during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Stephen Ghigliotty

    Stephen Ghigliotty began his career in marketing at consultancies and agencies in Canada and the U.S. With the knowledge that came with experience, he evolved his career into curriculum development. Here are a few highlights of his decades of experience:

    • – Began career at Accenture’s Strategic Services in New York City as a business analyst and then consultant; developed the first website benchmarking template for the consulting practice.
    • – 20+ years of senior client-facing agency experience in New York and Toronto, including Toyota, Pfizer, Maple Leaf Foods, INTERAC, and Procter & Gamble with product development at Cineplex.
      Developed multichannel content marketing campaigns for new Toyota products as head of interactive at Saatchi & Saatchi Canada.
    • – Lead certificate developer and instructor at the University of Toronto; recruited subject matter experts and instructors to create a three-course certificate in “Multimedia Storytelling and Content Marketing.”
    • – Designed, developed and built the entire online Chartered Marketer two-year integrated curriculum at the Canadian Marketing Association (
    • – Founding member of D2L’s Instructional Design Advisory Council.

    “After discovering a true passion for creating and teaching modern, interactive and engaging marketing curriculum at the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies, building a three-course certificate program, I moved to the Canadian Marketing Association in 2018. There I designed, staffed, built and programmed the first professional marketing designation certificate program in Canada, the two-year online Chartered Marketer (CM). Working with the CMA extended community, including 26 developers and instructors with hundreds of subject matter experts, the program is thriving and receiving glowing testimonials from learners,” said Ghigliotty.

  • Jenelle Hodges

    Jenelle Hodges, PhD, is the director of digital learning for the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) and provost for CHIME University. In this role, Hodges leads all education strategy, education initiatives and all academic efforts.

    Hodges served as an instructional designer and faculty in higher education for more than a decade. She served as an instruction design specialist for the School of Education at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Hodges developed an instructional design and design and development master’s degree program at a Research 1 University and served as the program director before moving to help develop CHIME University in fall of 2019.

    Hodges earned her Doctor of Philosophy in instructional design with her research focus on adult learning theory, implementation and programmatic design from the University of South Alabama. She holds a master’s degree in instructional design, with a focus on gamification, motivation, and cognition and a bachelor’s degree in elementary education.

    Hodges’ current research interests are programmatic design, innovative learning environments for adult learners, the correlation of faculty experience and learner experience, and gamification. Hodges also serves her local community as a Sunday school teacher, a Brownie Girl Scout leader and an active PTO member, and is a loving wife and an active mom to her two children. In her spare time Hodges loves to read and travel.

  • Jenny Hobbs

    Jenny Hobbs is a sales enablement manager at D2L. She has been focused on professional growth and education for the past 15 years. She works to elevate learning and development programs that inspire, engage and enable participants via state-of-the-art resources and platforms. Hobbs is dedicated to developing dynamic learning content and opportunities to strengthen an organization’s greatest asset, its people.

  • Amy Clark headshot

    Amy Clark began her journey teaching mathematics at the high school level, along with coaching the softball team. In those seven years, she received the Math Teacher of the Year award for that county and completed her master’s in instructional technology. From there, she transitioned to higher education at St. Petersburg College for another seven years as an instructional technologist. In that role, she designed courses, facilitated trainings for the faculty on 11 campuses and assisted in the transition from Angel to D2L. She also continued a role as an adjunct instructor—she can never give up teaching— all of which has brought her to her current work at (ISC)2. For the past two years, she has managed the building of courses for over 60,000 members and nonmembers, from certifications to PDI courses. They are continuously adding more and more to their catalogs and evolving as a corporation.