D2L Innovation Guild

Project Milestones
The D2L Innovation Guild is pleased to announce that the following projects have been completed.
Congratulations to the following Lead Principal Investigators (PIs), their Co-PIs and research partners and collaborators that have completed projects to date!
Exploring Extended Reality (XR) Pedagogical Initiatives at Three Guild Member Universities: An Environmental Scan
Lead PI – Dr. Mark Morton, University of Waterloo
Co-PI – Gillian Dabrowski, University of Waterloo
Project Type:
Emerging Research
Guild Theme(s):
- Learning in 2030
- Leveraging Learning Spaces
- Unlocking Learner Potential
Research Partner(s):
- Dr. Brenda Stoesz, University of Manitoba
- Dr. Lena Kushnir, University of Guelph
Research outcomes: Identify, classify, document, and review use of XR initiatives in teaching at three universities – Guelph, Manitoba, and Waterloo – in order to:
- discern strategies to promote and support XR initiatives in higher education
- develop best practices for using and integrating XR technologies into university courses
- provide guidance on conducting SoTL research into XR technologies in higher education
Leadership skills to support experiential learning for Canadian Engineering Grand Challenges
Lead PI – Dr. Christine Moresoli, University of Waterloo
Co-PI – Dr. John Donald, University of Guelph
Co-PI – Dr. Nadine Ibrahim, University of Waterloo
Project Type:
Applied Research
Guild Theme(s):
- Learning in 2030
- Leveraging Learning Spaces
Research Partner(s):
- Dr. Jillian Seniuk Cicek, University of Manitoba
Research outcomes: Embedded in future-thinking to reimagine engineering education, the scope of the project leverages the Canadian Engineering Grand Challenges (CEGC) as the framework for supporting the growth of student leaders. While there are many leadership competencies, this project will focus on principles of leadership for sustainability including problem solving, systems thinking, interdisciplinary teamwork, creativity, global intelligence, and cultural competence. To contextualize the leadership skills to support the CEGC, the team will build upon the Student Leadership Program at Waterloo and the Guelph Engineering Leadership Program.
Understanding Trauma Informed Pedagogy in Online Education during Turbulent Times
Lead PI – Dr. Colleen McMillan, University of Waterloo
Co-PI – Dr. Alice Schmidt Hanbidge, University of Waterloo
Co-PI – Dr. Heather Boynton, University of Calgary
Co-PI – Dr. Beth Archer-Kuhn, University of Calgary
Co-PI – Dr. Judy Hughes, University of Manitoba
Project Type:
Emerging Research
Guild Theme(s):
- Improving Mental Health and Well-being
Research Partner(s):
- D2L (D2L Labs)
Research outcomes: This project will:
- establish a Canada wide baseline of trauma informed pedagogical practices by teaching faculty
- inform the research literature on student experiences of trauma informed pedagogies in social work education that can be generalized across other professions
- represent intentional, emerging research to better understand the relationship between online pedagogy and mental health
- transfer the findings into a trauma informed pedagogical model
Developing an assessment design tool using a problem analysis framework
Lead PI – Dr. Karen Gordon, University of Guelph
Co-PI – Dr. Julie Vale, University of Guelph
Co-PI – Dr. Ryan Clemmer, University of Guelph
Project Type:
Applied Research
Guild Theme(s):
- Learning in 2030
Research Partner(s):
- D2L (D2L Labs)
Research Outcomes: The main goal of this project is to apply the framework by developing and incorporating modules into the LMS (D2L) used by instructors at the University of Guelph and the University of Waterloo. The modules will allow an instructor to use the framework to score individual questions, assessments, and courses in the context of development of student problem analysis skills. The data gathered from a pilot group of instructors and students will inform further development and deployment of the assessment design tool. Ultimately, this project encourages STEM instructors and students to approach teaching and learning with intentional metacognitive effort.
Academic Integrity: Faculty Development Needs for Canadian Higher Education
Lead PI – Sarah Eaton PhD University of Calgary
Co-PI – Katie Crossman, PhD, University of Calgary
Co-PI – Brenda Stoesz, PhD, University of Manitoba
Co-PI – Kim Garwood, PhD, University of Guelph
Co-PI – Amanda McKenzie, MA, University of Waterloo
Project Type:
Emerging Research
Guild Theme(s):
Ensuring Academic Integrity
Research Partner(s)/Collaborators:
- Amy de Jaeger, PhD, University of Manitoba
- Brian Cepuran / Rose Kocher, D2L Corporation (Project Brief)
Project Funding:
In-kind funding from institutional partners
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Research in Progress
Lead Principal Investigators (PIs), their Co-PIs and research partners are working on the following projects. We can’t wait to see the results!
Funding Award Category – Up to $25,000 CAD
Embedding Indigenous Teachings, and Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) in Engineering Leadership Education for the Canadian Engineering Grand Challenges
Lead PI – Dr. Nadine Ibrahim, University of Waterloo
Co-PI – Dr. John Donald, University of Guelph
Co-PI – Dr. Christine Moresoli, University of Waterloo
Co-PI – Kathryn Atamanchuk, University of Manitoba
Project Type:
Applied Research
Guild Theme(s):
- Learning in 2030
- Leveraging Learning Spaces
- Supporting Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Engineering designs and technology solutions have resulted in the prosperity that we enjoy today. In many cases these solutions also create challenges that have profound social implications. To address these challenges requires engineering leadership that is ethical and culturally sensitive. Engineering leadership education is reinforced when the importance of values, cultural competence, and different worldviews are emphasized. The investigators position this as engineering that encompasses the wider umbrella of human rights that include critical and timely social conversations around equity, diversity, inclusion, decolonialization and indigenization.
The purpose of this project is to support engineering leadership skills development that empower students to address the grand challenges of our times; allow them to become technological stewards and mindful engineering leaders who are knowledgeable and sensitive to equity, diversity, inclusion and aligned with indigenous ways of knowing.
Surveying Land-Based Learning in Canadian Universities
Lead PI – Dr. Kari Zacharias, University of Manitoba
Co-PI – Dr. Jillian Seniuk-Cicek, University of Manitoba
Co-PI – Dr. Kate Mercer, University of Waterloo
Co-PI – Shawn Bailey, University of Manitoba
Project Type:
Emerging Research
Guild Theme(s):
- Leveraging Learning Spaces
- Supporting Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Research Partner(s):
- Nicki Ferland (Community Engaged Learning Coordinator (Indigenous))
- Mary Robinson (Associate Dean Outreach, Equity, and Diversity in Engineering at the University of Waterloo)
- Manitoba forest school advisory council
- Mark Abbott, P.Eng. Managing Director, Engineering Change Lab
The purpose of the project is twofold: first, to synthesize insights and experiences from existing work in land-based learning and, second, to use this knowledge to develop techniques and best practices for land-based learning in engineering education. Findings from this project will support the development of a land-based learning initiative at the University of Manitoba and will contribute to the advancement of land-based learning techniques and knowledge across the throughout the Canadian engineering community. By focusing on the land as a space for learning, and by developing ways to bring together Indigenous Knowledges and worldviews with engineering curricula, the project advances the D2L Innovation Guild research priorities of Leveraging Learning Spaces and Supporting Indigenous Ways of Knowing.
Online training module for graduate student researchers to engage with Indigenous Knowledge Systems with integrity
Lead PI – Dr. Steffanie Scott, University of Waterloo
Co-PI – Dr. Robin Roth, University of Guelph
Project Type:
Emerging Research
Guild Theme(s):
- Supporting Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Research Partner(s):
- Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership
- D2L Corporation
The purpose of the project is to develop an online module to guide graduate researchers in reflecting on positionality as university scholars engaging with Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS). IKS exist fully outside the worldviews upon which the scientific and sociological enterprise that is higher education in Canada has been established. As graduate student researchers preparing to engage with Indigenous Knowledge Systems with integrity, students following this module will develop tools for examining their own assumptions and (possibly) unexamined worldview. This module is a complement to the many ethics and research guidelines and trainings developed by Indigenous peoples and the Federal government, with the intent of developing scholars’ understanding of diverse cultural knowledge systems.
Development of a synchronized and immersive manufacturing education platform with cloud-based digital twin and virtual reality
Lead PI – Dr. Sheng Yang, University of Guelph
Co-PI – Dr. Fantahun Defersha, University of Guelph
Co-PI – Dr. Qingin Peng, University of Manitoba
Project Type:
Emerging Research
Guild Theme(s):
- Learning in 2030
- Leveraging Learning Spaces
The primary goal of this collaborative project is to develop a novel manufacturing education platform enabling an immersive, synchronized, and interactive learning environment via digital twin and virtual reality technologies. A flexible manufacturing system (FMS, i.e., a computerized and reconfigurable production unit to manufacture a variety of parts) based in University of Guelph, will be used as the exploratory manufacturing facility. More specifically, the digital twin technology will incorporate real-time sensor data acquired from the FMS to create a synchronized digital replica in the virtual learning environment. Virtual reality technologies will enable an immersive environment to visualize the operations of the virtual FMS and facilitates interactions with the physical FMS via digital twin. The combination of digital twin and virtual reality will largely enhance the learning outcome and improve remote accessibility across institutes.
Funding Award Category – Up to $15,000 CAD
Closing the Skills Gap: The Value of Micro-Credentials to Canadian Employers
Lead PI – Natalie Green, University of Guelph
Co-PI – Jennifer Grochocinski, University of Guelph
Project Type:
Emerging Research
Guild Theme(s):
- Learning in 2030
Research Partner(s):
- Canadian Chamber of Commerce
- D2L (User Experience Design and Product Management)
Research outcomes: This research project aims to gain insight into Canadian employer’s familiarity with micro-credentials, determine if micro-credentials are acceptable to employers as a signal of competence and accomplishment, and acquire perspectives that can inform a post-secondary strategy on micro-credentials.
About the Innovation Guild
Established in early 2018, four top research universities in Canada along with D2L agreed to create a new joint applied research body called the D2L Innovation Guild.
Together, we have built a foundation for collaborative research and innovation that extends beyond the boundaries of individual organizations and therefore leverages those strengths to solve teaching and learning challenges that loom on the horizon.
We thank these organizations for their support, and a special thanks to their senior leaders who have contributed their time as Board Chair / Board Members: University of Guelph, University of Manitoba, University of Waterloo, University of Calgary and D2L Corporation.
About D2L
D2L is transforming the way the world learns – helping learners of all ages achieve more than they dreamed possible. Working closely with clients all over the world, D2L is supporting millions of people learning online and in person. Our global employees are dedicated to making the best teaching and learning products to leave the world better than where we they found it. Learn more about D2L for K-12, higher education and businesses at www.D2L.com