The Blog of John Baker
This is my personal blog that looks at the future of learning and skills – featuring some of the world’s leading thinkers in education and business.
If D2L Built Desks, This Is How We Would Do It
Why D2L built a desk
Staying curious about ChatGPT
AI is changing learning, but no matter how clever it may appear to be, technology cannot do our learning for us.
Change for the Better: Wrapping Up 2022
From having more opportunities to learn together to seeing a renewed need for upskilling and reskilling, 2022 was yet another year full of change. These are some of the themes that defined it.
Introducing Creator+
A Complex Learning Landscape It’s no secret that the world around us has become more complicated. Learning has, too. In my conversations with leaders in education and business, I hear…
How Data Can Help Improve the Postsecondary Education Experience
Find out how data can boost postsecondary student engagement, help faculty, and make learning more human.
Back to School, Back to Changing the World
Learning can be most impactful when its centered on three key concepts.
This Year, It Really Was Personal: Five Lessons From Fusion 2022
Here are five main takeaways about Fusion 2022.
The Power of Learning Together at Fusion 2022
At D2L Fusion 2022, we’ll focus on how D2L Brightspace can help educators build strong, long-lasting relationships with learners.