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Season 3, Episode 11 - Teach & Learn

Making Learning Fun With Edutainment Creator, Jerry Kolber

Welcome to Season 3, Episode 11 of Teach & Learn: A Podcast for Curious Educators, by D2L. Hosted by Dr. Cristi Ford and Dr. Emma Zone on behalf of the Academic Affairs team. The podcast features candid conversations with some of the sharpest minds in the K-20 education space. We discuss trending educational topics, teaching strategies and delve into the issues plaguing our schools and higher education institutions today.

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theme and guest introduction


edutainment explained


origin story


mission to make learning fun


attention spans and solving the interest problem


podcasting and learner reach


adding educators to the mix


the secret to edutainment


edutainment in the classroom


the evolution of learning


episode wrap and social media handles

In this episode, Dr. Emma Zone sits down with Emmy-Nominated edutainment creator Jerry Kolber to talk about making learning fun. Kolber’s work in television and podcasting focuses on blending education with entertainment. This concept, known as edutainment, presents subjects like math and science in more engaging, fun ways. Through storytelling, wacky characters and imaginative scenarios, Kolber’s creations are helping to capture attention, spark curiosity and ignite the joy of learning for kids and families alike.

They discuss:

  • The meaning of edutainment
  • Why making learning fun is an effective way to spark curiosity 
  • How entertainment can create entry points for learners in various subjects
  • The secret to making powerful edutainment

Jerry Kolber is the co-creator of National Geographic’s #1 educational series, BRAIN GAMES which earned him an Emmy Award Nomination. He’s the co-creator of BRAINCHILD, the live-action Netflix series about science and history, and his company, Atomic Entertainment is behind the popular podcasts for families and kids, WHO SMARTED? and MYSTERIES ABOUT TRUE HISTORIES a.k.a M.A.T.H. 


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