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Season 3, Episode 1 - Teach & Learn

What Living Longer Means for the Future of Work and Education

In this episode, Dr. Cristi Ford is joined by speaker, consultant and author Dr. Michelle Weise to discuss what we need to plan for today, to make long life learning possible to sustain a much longer work life of the future.

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An intro to the theme and guest: Long life learning with Dr. Michelle Weise


Long Life Learning: Preparing for Jobs That Don’t Even Exist Yet


The concept and the systems needed to support long life learning


Educational funding models


Barriers and the responsibility of the employer


Skills for the future


Problem solvers of the future


Michelle’s four tips to future-proof your career


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Welcome to Season 3, Episode 1 of Teach & Learn: A Podcast for Curious Educators, brought to you by D2L. Hosted by Dr. Cristi Ford and Dr. Emma Zone from the Academic Affairs team. The podcast features candid conversations with some of the sharpest minds in the K-20 education space. We discuss trending educational topics, teaching strategies and delve into the issues plaguing our schools and higher education institutions today.

If you had to work for one hundred years, what would your resume look like?  

Well, it would probably be quite a bit longer than it is today. Under the heading “previous experience,” there would likely be 30 or more job titles, and under “education,” a laundry list of certificates, classes and courses.   

The fact is, people are living longer, healthier lives. And that means a longer work life. In a future where people could live to the ripe old age of 150, their working life could well surpass 80 or 90 years. Experts are saying that the traditional linear concept of education, work, and retirement won’t stand up in this kind of future. With the advent of new jobs, fields and technologies, people will have many, many jobs, and will need to upskill and reskill to qualify for those jobs throughout their working life.  

So, how can we ensure that the workforce of the future can continue to meet the needs of jobs that are yet to be invented? Our next guest has some thoughts on the matter

Dr. Cristi Ford is joined by Dr. Michelle Weise, consultant and author of the book Long-Life Learning: Preparing for Jobs that Don’t Even Exist Yet, who says that there’s work to be done today, to support the work life of the future. Today’s 2 or 4-year degree simply won’t be enough.  

In this episode, Ford and Weise dive deeply into the idea of life-long learning: 

  • What the future of work might look like 
  • What systems need to be designed to enable future workers to upskill with minimal disruption 
  • Who should pay in time and money to educate the workforce: The employer or the individual? 
  • What we can do today to future-proof ourselves for the jobs of tomorrow


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