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A D2L Brightspace tem soluções para todos os gostos, e é possível personalizá-la para atender às suas necessidades específicas. Mas a melhor forma de saber como ela pode ajudar você é agendar uma demonstração para ver a plataforma em ação. Vamos mostrar como outras organizações como a sua usam a Brightspace para alcançar suas metas.

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Grandes empresas confiam na D2L para ajudar a promover o engajamento e a retenção no ensino online.

You should absolutely, 100% go with D2L. I’ve been with them for 11 years. The system is incredibly stable. It’s incredibly flexible because what you need right now today may not be the same thing you need five years from now. Businesses evolve. Customers evolve. Things change, and D2L changes with you.

– Connie Ryan, Founder and President, Professional Development Institute

I’ve spent my career being an ally and an advocate for students with disabilities. And one of the things that I learned really quickly and pretty early on is that when you talk about accessibility, the way that you need to situate it is that it is a journey, it is not a destination. You’re never done.

– Kelly Herman, VP, Accessibility, Equity & Inclusion, University of Phoenix

Our working relationship with D2L has been wonderful. They’re so far above some of the other LMS platforms that I’ve had the opportunity to work with.

– Joy Karavedas, Senior Director of Research and New Program Development, Orange Lutheran High School

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