eBooks and Guides Library
Please, Not Another Tech Tool!
To ensure that large-scale change will really result in better outcomes, educational organizations need to have a clearly articulated strategy for coaching staff through technology adoption. In this free guide, we outline a three-part approach that supports educational leaders as they manage change in ways that maximize success and minimize pain.
Maximizing Resilience
Executive Summary At D2L, we believe that education is the key to unlocking opportunities, and that learning can and should happen anytime, anywhere, and for everyone. To make this a...
D2L Ranked as a Strong Performer Among Top LMS Providers
Discover why D2L ranked as a strong performer for 2024 in the Forrester Wave™: Learning Management Systems and Experience Platforms report.
The Guide to Change Management for Associations
Find out how to overcome fears of change to help your association better serve staff, members and the industry you represent.
Invest, Upskill, Excel
New D2L research shows employers and employees identify enhanced learning and development as keys for success.
D2L for Business Named Leader in Corporate Learning
In February 2024, Aragon Research Inc. placed D2L for Business as a top-seven learning provider in corporate learning. It’s the sixth consecutive time that D2L has received the honor.
Build an Online Learning Strategy for Your Association
Find out why you need a solid strategy to power long-term transformational change for your association and how to build, execute and evaluate it.
Redefining the ROI of Corporate Learning
In this guide, learn how L&D leaders measure the impact of the learning programs they deliver to employees.
Ready to Transform the Way the World Learns?
Whether you want to chat about Brightspace or Wave, we’re ready to help.