K-12 Teaching And Learning Webinars
Empowering K-12 educators, teachers, and administrators to optimize their online classroom through virtual webinars and guides. These webinars offer effective practice workflows and use case examples for you to optimize your Brightspace classroom.
Brightspace Guided Training
Use the Brightspace Guided Training for tool training and understand what you need to get your Brightspace class started!
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the Learning Experience
Supporting K-8 educators
by showcasing best practices to support discussions with families and help accomplish shared learning goals with the shift to a technologically driven arena.
Guiding grade 9-12 educators
strategies for creating a simplified yet comprehensive Brightspace learning environment that’s easy to navigate and conductive to every student’s learning.
Enabling school leaders and principals
to create robust transitional strategies, by implementing technology-enabled learning, or leveraging data in the Brightspace platform to monitor and support student progress.
Recorded Webinar
Creating Custom Content
Learn how to style course content pages without having to write code! In this session, we will guide you on using HTML templates, including accordions and tabs, to create Content…
Recorded Webinar
Creating Multi-Media Lessons
During this micro-session, we’ll guide you through creating multi-media lesson content for your students! Some of the multi-media tools we will take a look at include Video Note, embedding outside…
Recorded Webinar
Creating Custom Widgets
Are you interested in learning how to further personalize and engage your students on your course Homepage? Join us in this micro-session to get a quick tutorial on how to…
Recorded Webinar
Communicating with Your Students
Are you wondering what tools are available within the VLE to help you check in with, connect, and engage with your students? During this webinar, educators will learn how tools…
Recorded Webinar
Handing out Work for Students Through Your Homepage
When it comes to supporting early learners, we want to make sure our Brightspace courses are simple and easy to navigate. Using the homepage tools, we can help students zoom…
Recorded Webinar
Getting to Know Ontario’s VLE – Summer School Edition
The purpose of this webinar is to provide educators with an opportunity to get to know Ontario’s Virtual Learning Environment. We will take some time to get comfortable navigating the…
Recorded Webinar
Personalizing Your Homepage in Brightspace for Younger Learners
Creating a personalized learning environment is a wonderful way to engage younger students in their courses. Students would love to come back to their learning environment when it is a…
Recorded Webinar
Having Fun with Portfolio
Brightspace Portfolio is a powerful tool to showcase student learning and growth over time. This webinar will explore how you can use portfolios with early learners. You’ll leave with an…